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Bad Woman T-Shirt
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7 Powers of Questions T-Shirt

Smart Questions: The Key to Sales Success

(click here for more info)

6 CD audio program w/ complete course workbook - $95.00
(w/o workbook - $65.00)

Smart Questions:
Interview Your Way to Job Success

(click here for more info)

Paperback - $13.95

Smart Questions to Ask Your Insurance Agent
with Profit and Pension Planners, Inc.
and MPPI Insurance Services

(click here for more info)

Paperback - $13.95


Smart Questions to Ask About Your Children's Education

(click here for more info)

Paperback - $13.95

The 7 Powers of Questions:
Secrets to Successful Communication
in Life and at Work

(click here for more info)

Paperback - $13.95

Smart Questions: An Essential Strategy
for Successful Managers

(click here for more info)

Paperback - $12.95

Super Sampling for Sales People:
The Smart Questions System
and The PowerSpeak System

(click here for more info)

Single audio CD (2 programs) - $18.95

Marketing Yourself:
The Ultimate Job Seeker's Guide

(click here for more info)

Hardcover - $24.95

Smart Questions to Ask Your Doctor
with Jon M. Strauss, MD

(click here for more info)

Paperback - $13.95

Smart Questions for Savvy Shoppers
with Sharyn Kolberg

(click here for more info)

Paperback - $13.95




Engage, Inspire, and Stimulate Your Audience

(click here for more info)

Paperback - $15.99

Original Edition available in Hardcover for half price!

Contains all Leeds' major concepts & information, but does not include updated information on PowerPoint and electronic presentation. If this is not your main concern, take advantage of this Special Sale!

Original Hardcover Edition - $12.45

PowerSpeak: Never Be Boring!

6 CD audio program w/ complete course workbook - $95.00
(w/o workbook - $65.00)
Single audio CD - $14.95

Market Yourself!
Find the Job of Your Dreams In 12 Easy Steps

(click here for more info)

6 CD audio program w/ complete course workbook - $95.00
(w/o workbook - $65.00)

Smart Questions to Ask Your Lawyer

with Sue Belevich Schilling

(click here for more info)

Paperback - $13.95

Smart Questions to Ask Your Stockbroker
with Joan Orazio
and Lawrence B. Greenbaum

(click here for more info)

Paperback - $13.95

System for Change:
Making Positive Changes

(click here for more info)

Single audio cassette - $14.95

Click here to find out more about The 7 Powers of Questions**The 7 Powers of Questions: Secrets to Successful Communication in Life and at Work

Questions can stimulate and persuade. They are signs of a curious mind, a caring heart - and a confident personality. They are the essential tools of the seeker and the problem-solver. In our personal and professional lives, they can make the difference between getting what we want and going without.

This unique book will educate you about the powers of questions and motivate you to make their powers work for you. Discover:

  • How to improve all your relationships, from the conference table to the dinner table
  • Ways to find out what people really want and need
  • Persuasion techniques that only successful salespeople know
  • How questions can create dialogues to uncover opportunities
  • The four barriers to getting the right information-and how to break through them
  • The fifty smartest questions you can ask
Paperback - $13.95

Smart Questions Book **Smart Questions: An Essential Strategy for Successful Managers

Today, more than ever before, "people skills" are what distinguish a good manager from a great one. The pursuit of management excellence begins with knowing how to ask for the most from your staff -- and get it! Now, one of American's leading management consultants provides step-by-step instructions for turning ordinary conversational skills into a formidable business tool. Dorothy Leeds shows you how to reduce mistakes, overcome objections, solve problems, gain control over volatile situations, and most importantly, what questions you should be asking yourself as a manager. Included are sections on:

  • Asking the right question of the right person, at the right time
  • Enhancing "people productivity" through motivation
  • Turning your questions into positive action
  • The Smart Questions way to conduct a hiring interview
  • Also includes quizzes to help test your question IQ
Paperback - $12.95

PowerSpeak**PowerSpeak: Engage, Inspire, and Stimulate Your Audience

What is the secret to being a captivating and credible speaker? Never be boring. PowerSpeak will revolutionize your ability to motivate an audience. This book shows how anyone can develop the skills necessary to engage, stimulate, and maintain any audience's attention. PowerSpeak identifies the trouble spots within any presentation and gives very specific ways to steer clear of them. Leeds identifies the six major speaking faults of the average presenter and presents a myriad of detailed strategies sure to turn any ho-hum speaker into a powerful presenter - including information on:

  • The four "nevers"
  • Three magical phrases
  • Ten steps that guarantee a complete presentation
  • How to avoid weak, passive language and make humor your ally
  • Voice and speech exercises
  • Opening with impact
  • Turning stage panic into speaking pizzazz
  • Using visual aids to gain maximum attention
  • Super presentation software
  • Handling Q&A sessions like a pro

Les Brown, author of Live Your Dreams and It's Not Over 'Til You Win, says, "You'd think that there would be nothing new to say about public speaking, but in every chapter Dorothy Leeds has new ideas on how to be a better presenter. She takes you to new heights."

Paperback - $15.99

Hardcover book: BARGAIN! If you'd like the original edition of PowerSpeak, it is now available at half price - only $12.45! This original edition contains all Leeds' major concepts and information, but does not include updated information on PowerPoint and electronic presentation. If this is not your main concern, take advantage of this Special Sale!

Original Hardcover Edition - $12.45
Also available:
PowerSpeak CD
6 CD audio program w/ complete course workbook - $95.00
(w/o workbook - $65.00)
Single audio CD - $14.95

Smart Questions CD **Smart Questions: The Key to Sales Success

The biggest mistake that salespeople make is one of style: they talk too much. They tell rather than sell. After listening to this program, you'll become a seller, not a teller -- a salesperson, not a spokesperson. If you ask more questions -- and ask smart questions -- we guarantee you'll become more successful. In this audio program you will learn:

  • The five step Smart Questions sales process
  • The seven great powers of questions
  • Hundreds of Smart Questions for your next sales presentation
  • Answers to every objection
  • How to spend less time per sales call
  • How to get to the real decision maker
  • How to close comfortably and frequently with ten easy Smart Questions Closes
6 CD audio program w/ complete course workbook - $95.00
(w/o workbook - $65.00)

The Smart Questions System CD**Dorothy Leeds' Super Sampling for Sales People: The Smart Questions System and The PowerSpeak System

Taken from Dorothy Leeds' two best-selling books, this informative and useful tape is the perfect tool to improve your sales. Smart Questions is a revolutionary, proven system for improving sales with a simple and extraordinarily effective tool: the question. An easy technique to master, using the Smart Questions System automatically increases your sales. Smart Questions will help you to get the right information faster, maintain positive control in difficult situations, and increase sales and build stronger client relationships. The PowerSpeak System is the only speaking program targeted for sales. To utilize your full potential as a salesperson, you must be a smooth, polished communicator -- and this program will show you how. PowerSpeak will help you to overcome the six major speaking faults, shine as an outstanding persuader, and become a polished platform professional.

Single audio CD (2 programs) - $18.95

Marketing Yourself: The Ultimate Job Seeker's Guide**Marketing Yourself: The Ultimate Job Seeker's Guide

Marketing Yourself is the ultimate job seeker's guide, a unique and visionary book that shows you how to use state-of-the-art sales and marketing techniques to sell the ultimate product: Yourself. Dorothy Leeds shows you how to concoct your own individualized marketing plan based on the special strengths and abilities that will give you added value in the marketplace. And surveying the economic and demographic landscape of today and the future, she gives you savvy insider's advice on how to cash in on the hottest career areas of the next decade and the decades to come.

Hardcover - $24.95

Market Yourself CD**Market Yourself! Find the Job of Your Dreams In 12 Easy Steps

Market Yourself! shows you how to use state-of-the-art sales and marketing techniques to enhance your value in a rapidly changing and competitive business world -- and FIND THE JOB OF YOUR DREAMS! Market Yourself! will help you:

  • Create unlimited job opportunities
  • Get paid what you're worth
  • Write an irresistible cover letter
  • Eliminate interview anxiety by learning to ask Smart Questions
  • Handle the toughest questions
  • Double and triple your career opportunities

Gerard A. Miller of Merrill Lynch says of Market Yourself! "This information applies to all types of jobs, regardless of industry or level of responsibility. It goes beyond looking for a new job -- it can be used to improve on-the-job performance as well."

6 CD audio program w/ complete course workbook - $95.00
(w/o workbook - $65.00)

Smart Questions**Smart Questions: Interview Your Way to Job Success

Finally, a unique, hands-on guide that will help you ask the right questions -- starting long before the final interview -- and give you the edge in today's job market. Inside are all the tips, tools, techniques you need to play an active, not reactive, role in any interview throughout your working life.

Paperback - $13.95

Smart Questions**Smart Questions to Ask Your Doctor with Jon M. Strauss, MD

"An absolute must for every medical consumer" says Charles B. Inlander, President of People's Medical Society.

This comprehensive new guide will help you ask the right questions so you can participate fully in your own health decisions. Inside are all the questions -- and answers -- that could someday mean the difference between life and death.

Paperback - $13.95

Smart Questions**Smart Questions to Ask Your Lawyer with Sue Belevich Schilling

When you are at your most vulnerable and have the most to lose or gain, personally and legally, you need to be in control. You need to cut through the legal jargon, ask the right questions, and get your lawyer working tough on your terms. Someday it could mean your very freedom.

Paperback - $13.95

Smart Questions**Smart Questions to Ask Your Insurance Agent with Profit and Pension Planners, Inc. and MPPI Insurance Services

The insurance decisions you make now will affect you and your family for the rest of your lives. This up-to-date, easy-to-understand guide will help you cut through the sales pitches and confidently ask the right question to get the specific answers you need.


Paperback - $13.95


Smart Questions**Smart Questions for Savvy Shoppers with Sharyn Kolberg

Shopping wisely has become a survival tactic for many people caught in a tight economic crunch. While this hands-on guide won't tell you where to shop or which brands to buy, it will help you discover those things for yourself -- by asking the right questions beforehand -- and teach you the difference between what you want and what you need and between what you can afford and what you can't.

Paperback - $13.95

Smart Questions**Smart Questions to Ask Your Stockbroker with Joan Orazio and Lawrence B. Greenbaum

Knowing which questions to ask can significantly lower your risk as an investor. This current, readable guide will help you slice through the intimidating web of the financial services industry. You can find out which investments are best for you. This book is "packed full of smart information" said RJ Shook, author of The Wall Street Dictionary.

Paperback - $13.95

Smart Questions**Smart Questions to Ask About Your Children's Education

Whether your child is ready for kindergarten or about to enter high school, whether you're considering public, private, parochial, or technical schools, you'll learn how to ask, what to ask, and who to ask -- in order to make the best and most informed decision for your child's future.

Paperback - $13.95

**System for Change

Everyone wants to grow, but no one wants to change. But, nothing happens in our lives until something changes. In this inspiring tape, Dorothy Leeds teaches you the six steps to create meaningful change in your life. You will be encouraged and stimulated take the necessary steps to lead a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Single audio cassette - $14.95

Dorothy Leeds
245 West 99th Street
New York, NY 10025
212.932.8364 (FAX)

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