Organizational Technologies Dorothy Leeds

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PowerSpeak Individual Coaching

"Dorothy's coaching skills are exceptional. Her PowerSpeak System really makes a big difference... In a very short time she turned our vice presidents into more interesting, persuasive and memorable presenters."
- Dale Moss, Executive Vice President, Sales and Marketing USA, British Airways

We are unique and time- and cost-effective because we help you design and develop your speech as well as deliver it. When executives, entrepreneurs, and politicians do not have the time or desire to attend group-training session, individual private coaching is the solution. By working one-to-one we can focus, concentrate, and meet your needs in the shortest and most effective way.

The communication demands on speakers are greater than ever because of the overwhelming and omnipresent influence of the media, the increasingly competitive business climate, and the short attention span of most listeners. Audiences' expectations have risen considerably whether at meetings or at formal situations. All speakers must be aware of this and make the necessary improvements.

You are a candidate for individual coaching if you:

  • Wish to build a commanding voice and presence.
  • Want to be perceived as a strong and motivating leader.
  • Feel that you are not reaching your potential as a communicator.
  • Deliver formal and informal presentations.
  • Deal with the media.
  • Run or attend meetings.
  • Have a fear of public speaking.
  • Need help in a particular area of persuasive communications.
  • Want to create and prepare presentations with a simple, foolproof method.
  • Deliver computer-based presentations.
  • Participate in teleconferencing.
  • Have to sell yourself, your ideas, a product, or a service.
  • Want people to really listen and say, "WOW!"

Some of what we will cover:

  • The role of a speaker is to take information and their message and make it interesting and meaningful. Speakers must provide a strong, compelling image and message if they want to get through to their listeners and then get and keep their attention.
  • Most medical, technical speakers speak only to the left brain, therefore missing an essential link to learning and understanding.
  • We will focus on 6 major speaking faults including the opening and conclusion.
  • Communicators must write and speak in sound bytes and quotable quotes.
  • Content must be as strong as the delivery.
  • A written presentation must be conversational in style and delivery. Speakers must sound as if they are conversing not reading.
  • Speakers must follow my motto: Never Be Boring!

Our operating procedures are:

  • Our first meeting will be to clarify your needs, to set goals, to develop an action plan and to video tape. We will also cover how many sessions will be involved, whether group or individual and what we will do at these sessions. Of course, your goals and the needs of your staff will determine all this.
  • Most people come prepared for our first session with a representative presentation.

Executive Coaching

The right alternative to help leaders reach their full potential!

"The higher up I moved, the more I realized the need for visible leadership skills. Through Dorothy's coaching and insightful questions, I became more organized-more concise, not only in my communications, but, more importantly, in my thinking. These results enabled me to have greater impact at meetings, relate more precisely with my peers and bosses, and to become a better coach to my staff."
-Ronda Dean, Former Vice President of Parke-Davis Pharmaceuticals
General Manager of Women's Health Division and currently President of The DaltonDemorest Foundation.

Dorothy Leeds, Coach and Author

Dorothy Leeds author of Smart Questions: The Essential Strategy for Successful Managers and The 7 Powers of Questions, brings to her coaching, twenty years experience, a practical philosophy, and a workable methodology. She believes that successful coaching requires trust, understanding, desire, commitment, and action. As an executive coach, she tries to mix easily accomplishable goals with long term objectives, so there is a fairly constant feeling of achievement. In her coaching, Leeds emphasizes the importance of performance, results, and the Corporate Leadership Model. Her goal is to help people improve their own performance, and the performance of their team. In addition to specializing in communication, she also researches how organizations and people change.

She has expertise in the following areas:

  • Leadership
  • Team Building
  • Time Management
  • Selling/Sales Management
  • Managing Organizational Change
  • Surveys, Assessments/ 360°
  • Competency Model Development
  • Career Development
  • Setting Goals
  • Meeting Priorities
  • Managing Staff
  • Delegation
  • Communication Skills
  • Running Effective Meetings
  • Coping with Difficult People
  • Stress Management


Dorothy has worked with key executives in companies like Pfizer, Conde Nast, IBM, Capitol Cities ABC, Morgan Stanley, and professionals in medicine, law, and politics for the past twenty years. Her projects have provided her with the knowledge and skills to maximize performance and ensure results.

Specific Coaching Results

During a two-year coaching project, she coached a travel manager in a major publishing company through many corporate changes, staffing difficulties, and reorganization. The result: he is now publisher and his publication is the only travel magazine demonstrating substantial growth after 9/11.

A medical liaison in a pharmaceutical company needed coaching to assist her, as she was making a major career move to become a marketing director. This move was also into a different division and product. Her boss and Ms. Leeds worked closely to set up an ongoing strategy, involving new knowledge, skills, and organizational issues. As a result of the coaching and her commitment, she was integrated with ease and speed into this demanding position.

Leeds helped the CEO of a new media company gain board support for the many changes he felt necessary to grow his volatile business. This involved a complex coaching process, for his communication style and organizational ability were at odds with his goals. By working simultaneously to enhance his political, organizational and communication skills, he gained initial board support, and was then able to garner a much greater market share for his company.

Here's how we operate:

  • Our process begins with an in-depth consultation and needs analysis with the person who initiates the coaching.
  • If this is not the person to be coached, we then meet with that person to set goals, determine strengths and weaknesses, and to take any appropriate assessments.
  • We then establish a strategy to accomplish these goals based on time, budget, and intensity of the problem(s).
  • We also establish a time for meetings and telephone consultations.
  • Since business professionals travel so much, coaching via telephone is available.
  • We seek and use feedback from multiple sources.
  • We are in constant touch in case of emergencies both via phone and email.
  • We provide frequent evaluation and review.
  • The process can be short-term or long-term.

  Fortune 100 companies, as well as entrepreneurial ventures, are joining the ranks of forward-thinking organizations and individuals who realize the benefits of individual coaching. Dorothy Leeds
  Executive Coaching is the answer!

Contact Dorothy for more information on one-to-one and executive coaching. Find out more information.

Dorothy offers group workshops and delivers keynote presentations to your large conference.
** Dorothy Leeds' Complete Program Listing

Treat yourself (and your career) to a book or audio program. (They make excellent gifts for yourself and anyone communicating in the 21st century)



  Dorothy Leeds
  245 West 99th Street
  New York, NY   10025
  212.932.8364 (FAX)

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